Indicates the entity that provided the information carried by the variable. This controlled vocabulary is applicable only to survey-type data. DDI 3.1 The element ResponseUnit is a string type in DDI 3.1, but will be changed to CodeValueType in DDI 3.2. Controlled vocabulary codes can still be used with this element in DDI 3.1, but it will not be possible to reference the external controlled vocabulary by using the attributes created for this purpose in CodeValueType. Module Name Element Name datacollection ResponseUnit logicalproduct ResponseUnit DDI 2.1 The element respUnit is used in the elements var (as 4.3.6) and nCube (as 4.4.8). Element Number Element/Attribute Name 4.3.6 respUnit 4.4.8 respUnit Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3 Copyright © DDI Alliance 2011 ResponseUnit Response Unit 1.0 urn:ddi-cv:ResponseUnit urn:ddi-cv:ResponseUnit:1.0 DDI Alliance The Alliance for the Data Documentation Initiative DDI Code Value of the Code Term Descriptive Term of the Code Definition Definition of the Code CodeKey The unique identification of each item in a code list. Self Self Unit of response is same as unit of observation/analysis. Informant Informant Unit of response is different than the unit of observation as part of the study design, and the identity of the response unit is also pre-determined by the study design. Such studies are actually called "informant surveys" and they involve, for instance, obtaining information about a community from certain select members who hold specific information, like church leaders, business owners or leaders, physicians, school teachers, civic leaders, etc. Or, if a business or organization is the unit of observation, information may be sought at different administrative/professional levels, etc. Proxy Proxy Unit of response is different than the unit of analysis because the sampled unit is unavailable/unable to participate. Proxies may be allowed by the study design, but their identity is not specifically designated (for example, anyone in the household can provide information about another household member, or any available student can provide information about another student, etc.). Interviewer Interviewer Data are entered directly by the interviewer, as a result of his/her own observations, and not by eliciting answers to a question. Other Other Use if the response unit is known, but not found in the list.