XKOS: An SKOS Extension for Statistical Classifications

This paper describes the efforts to marry LOD techniques to the needs of the international statistical community during two workshops on Semantic Statistics held at Schloß Dagstuhl, Leibniz Center for Informatics with the support of the GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences and the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI). Specifically, the authors address the extension of the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), an RDF vocabulary, to satisfy the requirements of classification systems and concept management for the statistical community.

eXtended Knowledge Organization System (XKOS)

This paper was part of METIS, Work Session on Statistical Metadata, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2013. It focuses on the extension to SKOS called xKOS, developed by the DDI community.

DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary: A Metadata Vocabulary for Documenting Research and Survey Data

This paper was part of the Pproceedings of the 6th Linked Data on the Web (LDOW) Workshop at the World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013. It focuses on the DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary – based on a subset of the DDI - which supports the discovery of statistical data as well as metadata.

Towards the Discovery of Person-Level Data - Reuse of Vocabularies and Related Use Cases

This presentation was part of the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Statistics, 12th International Semantic Web Conference, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen (2013).  It focuses on on the description of how other vocabularies are reused and on the description of use cases associated with the usage of the DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary.

DDI-SDMX Integration and Implementation

There is a clear interaction between this project and the “Framework and Standards for statistical Modernisations” recently discussed by the High-Level Group for the modernisation of statistical production and services (HLG), in particular with the work tasks dealing with GSIM and its mapping to DDI and SDMX. A DDI-SDMX integrated production flow implies transitions from one standard to the other. For example, a typical case is DDI-documented statistical micro-data sets which can be

Strategic priorities of the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance, Spring 2013

This paper, delivered at a UNECE METIS meeting in Geneva in 2013, outlines the strategic directions that the DDI Alliance is undertaking in order to support open access to data and advance effective data-driven science and policy-making.

Data Management Planning and the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)

This paper presents the challenges faced by DDI in incorporating a new set of information – the description of data management plans – into the existing set of DDI information, suggesting some current points of overlap, and setting the stage for a future discussion regarding how data management planning might fit into the overall model of the data production lifecycle, and how it can address the wide variety of models used internationally to describe data management plans.

KMS Activator for Windows 11 and Office KMSPICO 2023

Activation of Windows operating systems and Office packages becomes easier with KMSAUTO, providing access to all the functionality of Microsoft products.

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